Our adult Wednesday Night Groups meet at 6:30pm every Wednesday evening. This schedule changes periodically so be sure to check back often! We hope you join one of our groups and grow with us. We also provide a meal at 6:00PM (during the fall and spring school semesters) in the Fellowship Hall open to everyone, with a suggested donation of $3 per plate / max $12 per family.
Men's Group: This group, currently led by Chris Gabel, meets every Wednesday at 6:30pm in the Mission Building, north across the street from our main building. Enter through the door on the left.
Women's Group: This group, currently led by Cheryl Cornutt, meets every Wednesday at 6:30pm in the Mission Building, north across the street from our main building. Enter through the door on the right.
Prayer Meeting: Open to anyone. Led by Dave Thomas. Meets in Room 106.