
The purpose of the Primetimers is to enjoy fellowship and build relationships with others who are at the same stage of life.  If you are a senior adult who is looking for some great times and great fun, check out the church calendar to see what is going on.

Monthly Luncheon

On the fourth Monday of every month, our Prime Timers are invited to enjoy a luncheon with our pastor.  We might have a pot-luck meal on the grounds, the pastor could cook for us, or we could all go out to eat somewhere off-site.  Whatever we do, we have fun fellowship with one another. 

Day Trips

Occasionally the Prime Timers will load the church bus to take a day trip and see something educational, entertaining, or simply fun!  The trips could range from a visit to a presidential library or some other point of interest, or perhaps just to try out a new or different restaurant.  Come on and hop aboard the Primetime Express!

Golden Girls Exercise Group

A group of senior women join in our Fellowship Hall every Monday and Wednesday morning at 9:00 AM. Join them today!

Thursday Night Dominoes

Every Thursday evening at 6:00 pm the Prime Timers meet in the Fellowship Hall to play dominoes together.  You never know what type of game might break out but you can typically find a serious game of Mexican Train being played.